Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Season 2 Finale

          Tomorrow, The Vampire Diaries Season 2 Finale is coming on. I am excited to see what all is going to happen in the episode tomorrow, yet I am nervous as well. I am fully Team Damon! How sad is it that he was bitten by Tyler (werewolf)? I couldn't belive it! There has to be a cure out there, because they couldn't just let Damon die.
          Perhaps Tyler could come and lick the bite... you know? The thing where dogs licks are supposed to be healing and all? LOL!  Maybe Damon just has to drink Tyler's blood, or possibly even kill him to save himself?
         * If you have more ideas of how to save Damon, leave a comment and let us know.

         * Leave a comment if you are Team Damon and show your support.

          ~Thank's for reading! We look forward to hearing from you!~
